

The bamboo cross symbolizes the Filipinos’ faith that was handed by the Spaniards to the Filipinos.

Kissing of hand signifies the respectful behavioral attitude of the children and grandchildren toward the elderly, particularly their grandparents.

Blue color indicates the devotion of grandparents to the Blessed Virgin Mary, model and mother of faith. The transmission of the faith from one generation to the next found a natural home in the family where women play a very special role without diminishing the figure and responsibility of the father (rf. Synod Message on the New Evangelization: Transmission of the Faith, Oct. 2012)

Red color shows the diocesan color of Daet, Camarines Norte, since the Catholic Grandparents Association, which began in Ireland, was pioneered in the Philipines in the said Diocese.

Yellow color manifests the color of the universal church.