
Membership is open to any Grandparents and elderly who share in the aims and purpose of the CGA in promoting the holiness of family life, the Domestic Church.

The following are eligible to join The Catholic Grandparents Association – Philippines:

  1. Grandfathers and grandmothers
  2. Widow or widower with biological children
  3. Single grandparents who are separated and are caregivers of their own biological children
  4. Single grandparents who are caregivers of their biological children
  5. Aunts or uncles who are caregiver of grandchildren of OFW parents
  6. Priests, Religous sisters/brothers in orphanages
  7. Members of Senior Citizen Associations
  8. Non-Catholic grandparents and are willing to join and promote the objectives of CGA

It is worth noting that the following remains to be members of the CGA.

  1. Members who are sick and not actively attending meetings and activities
  2. Members who are full time caregivers of their grandchildren
  3. Members who were called to care for their grandchildren whose parents are working abroad.

The membership of the Provincial and/or municipal Senior Citizens Group to CGA should be coordinated with the President/coordinator of Senior Citizen Association. It is recommended that a coordinator from the Senior Citizen Association be identified to act as Pastoral Liaison officer between CGA and the elderly group.

Considering the present structure and leadership of the Senior Citizen Association, the primary task of CGA is to assist in the spiritual and pastoral needs of the elderly in the said association.

On the parish level, the Diocesan CGA President may recomment to the Parish Priest possible candidates to be CGA Parish Coordinator.