St. Joachim and St. Anne

Feast Day: July 26

In the heart of ancient Judea, nestled within the tapestry of divine providence, lived a couple exemplifying devotion, faith, and unyielding love—St. Joachim and St. Anne. Theirs is a tale that remains evergreen, offering solace and hope to countless generations.

Joachim and Anne were deeply in love, bound together not just by marital vows, but by their shared faith in God. However, amid the joys of their life together, they shared a silent sorrow—they were childless. In those days, barrenness was often seen as a sign of God’s disfavor, leading to social disgrace.

In their moments of despair, Joachim and Anne turned to fervent prayer and fasting. Joachim would often retreat to the mountains, while Anne would pray in her courtyard [3].

One day, as told in the Protoevangelium of James, an angel appeared to both of them, promising that they would conceive a child. Overwhelmed with joy, they thanked God for this divine blessing.

They were then blessed with a child, Mary, who would become the mother of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world. Joachim and Anne nurtured Mary, instilling in her the virtues of faith, hope, and love.

Today, St. Joachim and St. Anne are celebrated as the patron saints of grandparents. Their story serves as a beacon of hope for all grandparents within the Catholic Grandparents Association and beyond.


  • The New Advent Catholic Encyclopedia. “St. Anne.”
  • Protoevangelium of James, an apocryphal gospel written around the middle of the 2nd century.
  • The Golden Legend or Lives of the Saints. Compiled by Jacobus de Voragine, Archbishop of Genoa, 1275.