Vision and Mission

Vision Statement

We, at the Catholic Grandparents Association (CGA), with the grace of God and our Heavenly Mentors, Saint Joachim and Saint Anne, parents of Our Lady and Grandparents of Jesus, strive to support Grandparents worldwide with practical and spiritual assistance  to strengthen the bonds of faith and family life through the generations, from the cradle to the grave.

Mission Statement

“The future of the world and the Church passes by way of the Family.”(St Pope John Paul, Apostolic Exhortation Familiaris Consortio, no. 75)

  1. To help grandparents to pass on the faith to the next generation
  2. To help keep prayer at the heart of the family


Accordingly, in recognition of Grandparents’ singular call to collaborate pre-eminently with parents in their primary and principal role as Christian educators of their children, the CGA is established to encourage and assist Grandparents most particularly:

  1. To acknowledge the value and rediscover the gift of being a grandparent and/or an elderly in the family
  2. To reminisce meaningful memories the prime of grandparents lives and to leave valuable legacy to the younger generation.
  3. To develop the loving relationship with their grandchildren
  4. To initiate and continue the task of transmitting the catholic faith to the young generation
  5. To keep prayer and the call to holiness at the heart of the family life
  6. To serve as source of strength and inspiration among Catholics and Non-Catholic grandparents